The Look:
Silk in white, clips with crystals, a sleek design, this is a very pretty shoe. Sure, it would be more beautiful with a higher heel, but that goes for almost every 3 inch or under shoe. Claire’s classy look is fine for almost any formal event you might imagine and the Dyeables feature means that you can have it re-colored to match your gown.
The Fit: I do love a shoe that comes in the right size. Although, to be honest, this is a ‘D’ width, rather than a ‘C’ so it’s perhaps a bit wider than necessary, but not enough to really show.
Comfort: For some reason, the surface that goes against the foot is a bit irritating. I’m at a loss to explain why since it feels fine to fingertips and there’s no sign of allergic reaction. The lower heel allows standing and walking for extended periods – a good shoe for dates, events, even dancing.